Color psychology is the study of how different colors represent different emotions and ideas in the mind of viewers. Each color tends to be viewed in a different light and as important in varying ways, and understanding exactly how color psychology works can assist your business in designing the perfect website to get the most out of your online marketing.
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Search Engine Optimized Blog Software
Your blog platform should give you the ability to make the following choices and customize your site with some basic SEO elements. As indicated in the list below, some blog platforms fall short and others give optimal control. Again, consider the pros and cons of every blog platform you are weighing on before actually choosing a platform.
eCommerce Web Site Design, Good Information Architecture
You might have the slickest eCommerce Web site design on the block, but if users can’t figure it and your shopping cart out, you won’t make a sale.
Over recent years, the Web has matured from a simple functionality like browsing to being able to cater to intricate processes such as end-to-end financial transactions. During this period, eCommerce website design technologies have grown more sophisticated, users have come to require a richer experience, and companies have found numerous ways to generate sales online.
Web site Design in Dreamweaver, Website Design
When working with Macromedia Dreamweaver MX for the first time, or on a new site for the first time, you need to define the Web site so that Dreamweaver can work with it. This process includes naming the site, placing the local files on a directory on your hard drive, and showing Dreamweaver where those files will be published on the Web. Follow these easy instructions to define a new Web site for Dreamweaver MX.
Web Site Design HTML vs Website Design Page Editors
It seems that everyone has a web page these days. Everywhere you look there is a this and a that. Even Socks, the president’s cat, has her own page. Robert Zakon states that the number of web sites has grown from 1 billion in 1997 to almost 10 billion today (2000). So where are these pages coming from, and how are they being created?
Web Site Design, Getting Started with HTML
This is a short introduction to writing HTML. What is HTML? It is a special kind of text document that is used by Web browsers to present text and graphics. The text includes markup tags such as to indicate the start of a paragraph, and to indicate the end of a paragraph. HTML documents are often refered to as “Web pages”. The browser retrieves Web pages from Web servers that thanks to the Internet, can be pretty much anywhere in World.
Web Site Design, Website Style Guide
In the long run men hit only what they aim at. — Henry David Thoreau
THE FIRST STEP in website design is to define your goals. Without a clearly stated mission and objectives the project will drift, bog down, or continue past an appropriate endpoint. Careful planning and a clear purpose are the keys to success in website design, particularly when you are working as part of a development team.