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Scale Image in Gimp
Scale Image in Gimp and Export as jpg
How To Move Thunderbird to a New Computer
How to Move Thunderbird to a New Computer
Thunderbird Troubleshoot Mode
Thunderbird eMail Troubleshoot Mode
How to Change Your Mozilla Thunderbird Email Password
How to Configure Thunderbird POP SSL Account
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WooCommerce Product Add-ons Plugin in Liew of Variations
WooCommerce Add-on Products in lieu of Variables where too many Attribues and Variables would slow down the site and Overload the database. Plugin WooCommerce Product Add Ons For Field or Field Groups for Entire Product Categories Use...
WooCommerce Managing Orders
Managing Orders Orders are created when a customer completes the checkout process, and they are visible to users with Admin and Shop Manager roles only. Each order is given a unique Order ID. Order IDs are non-sequential as they use the default WordPress ID...
Apply the price of a WooCommerce product variation to all variations
If you have a WooCommerce product with a lot of variations that are all the same price, entering/updating the price can be a little frustrating as you must update the price manually for each variation. For a product with three colour and size attributes this is only...